

When people gripe about $200 hammers, I point out that it was a private company ripping off our government - and that the $200 was the fucking low bid. Businesses aren’t patriotic. They’re amoral legal constructs whose only directive is to maximize profit.

Almost miswrote this. Something like 70% of the produce we import comes from Mexico.

I just follow the first three steps. Saves me time and steps!

Being honest and nice has its advantages.

There may be advantages to having an ON/OFF switch.

There’s only one good way to get the timing right on that.

I know. That’s why “though” is appended to my sentence. To illustrate comparison and contrast.

Is that not the goal?

NASA was still playing with this. With better materials, we’ve been able to design energy-storing flywheels that run at 50k rpm (carbon-fiber rotors). The next step would be nanotube built rotors. With a decent vacuum, you could keep a 200-lb rotor on mag-suspended bearings spinning at fifty-thousand rpm with about

W received fewer votes than Gore, though.

Who needs a steering wheel spike when we have the steering wheel hand grenade?

Except that they were taken within minutes of each other. The weather was also much worse during Obama’s inauguration.

He didn’t see that coming.

Coked up Charlie Sheen would be more qualified.


Trump is not a racist.

Yeah, I know their origin.

So his tie is fleek with his hair, as my daughter might say?

What it actually does is make him look like he can’t dress himself.