
The real reason the Cap America twitter jokes are so funny is not just the spot on delivery?

If Devoe really has melting points powers then whoever he touches next will have the freezing powers.

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Sorry but completely unrelated...or is it?

Which is unfortunate to me, because I think a game in the style of Rogue One could be fun and interesting.

Gesture warfare?

That’s what I was trying to remember. Injustice 2, and deadshot. Instead by the end of the video my recall rested betwixt Mortal Kombat 3 and Killer Instinct.

I remember the master sword grabbing cutscene and it reminded me of Dragon’s Lair for some reason.

I have never played that game but by all means add it to the list. The point being the notion of a medic class or specialized role in a firstperson shooter is not an entirely new idea.

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I think Paul Reubens was in Mystery Man. I think his character was the sphincter, his power? The ability to do superpowerful farts. I’m going to look it up. Oh it was actually the Spleen?

To be fair the medic role is not entirely new. Just look back at Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Shadowrun (2007 fps), and I think Brink also had a medic class you could switch to too if I recall correctly.

It’s available on the Japanese Nintendo eshop and aside from what you mentioned it also supports local 6 player co-op, and local 3 vs 3 matches are also possible.

I’m not too surprised. Isn’t this the same country that let’s you hire some fake goons to fake beat up to impress your date?

Yeah and you had to do it thrice betwixt characters for them to even have the same moveset available with each weapon. I’ve got the Switch collection they released in japan. My only wish is that they’d offer full english localization.

I think I might’ve seen her once on GTAO, if so “Swift 1989" was her gamertag.

Your link didn’t work for me(Kept going to gamesradar+ but not to an article about Secret of Mana). So I found this on unseen64.

Lets be honest here. We’ve all played a game like GTA which we weren’t the appropriate age for. Mortal Kombat, anyone?

Nice Anime icon Gita. Had to zoom in to see it more clearly. Looks just like you. Did you do it yourself?