
My whole life I’ve wanted car companies to make their concept cars but they never do and I always wondered why. Well the comments show why, because people are full of crap. People say they want a futuristic car or something out of bladerunner. They say they want something unique but at the end of the day they buy a

Friendly reminder that not everyone wants to deal with your nerd box.

Luke being a super cynical old man makes perfect sense to me, so much so that I seriously don’t understand those who are upset that Luke isn’t the idealist of the original trilogy. Yes, he was super idealistic...when he was young, but age and experience and seeing what happened with his nephew have chipped away at him

“So they are willing to spend days chasing the resistance when all the First Order had to do is jump a few ships slightly ahead of them and wipe them out.”

I’d rather see this than one more damn Transformers movie.

Way, way too late.

there was no snes classic at that time. were you trying to be funny?

George Lucas is a bitter old man. He should be filling his swimming pool with $4 Billion in Gold Bullion and diving in, Scrooge McDuck style.

Anthony Ingruber.

I can solve valve’s problem: enact quality control and mod greenlight.

The Romani people have had it worse than black people for centuries, and still do.

Barbary slave trade? Millions of white europeans put into slavery in north africa? Remnants of the practice lasted up until 1910? Aware of it?

good interview, and I’m very much looking forward to the film, but “First, it beat Star Wars: Rogue One.” is simply not true. Had they been released on the same day and Hidden Figures made more money on that day (or weekend) you could say that it ‘beat’ Rogue One, but it wasn’t and it didn’t.

I think Leia is too distinct to swap out for a different actor. I wouldn’t want that. I’d rather they give her an off screen death, even as lame as it would be.

I have zero interest in the sexual orientation of any characters or actors. In fact the less inter-species galavanting or lame romances the better, I actually prefer everyone is asexual like Data (except for that one time) or just uninterested like Janeway. Just give me good characters.