Zaion Solaris

No this is something I’d BUY to play on my PC/WiiU/3DS if I could pay “here is the price, here is the full game”.

Dunno about you, but the audio experience (and that most certainly includes the voice acting) in video games is part of what can make or break a game. If anything, because you aren’t (usually) seeing the actual face of the actor (heavy motioncapture or image likeness cloning aside) you pay even more attention to the

Perhaps, but please note that those of us who already own the complete game and full DLC don’t have to spend a cent. For the PC crowd at least that’s a pretty large chunk of the pre-existing consumer base. For those that never played it, a version with better/modern graphics may actually entice them to finally try to

Continuing the odyssey that is Darksiders II (just completed the story of the land of the dead now I gotta get the myriad pieces I missed there and in act I before continuing onward to act III), just beat Evoland 2 this morning, picked up my copy of Everspace and am discovering that besides the fact I SUCK at space

If they rename it I’m changing the name back on my taskbar. Ain’t nobody taking my nostalgia from me.

I can[not] see what you did there.

I think it makes it fourth place and they didn’t bother naming what the first greatest shooter after Halo and Quake was.

Honest Trailers put it best.

No Man’s Sky, while leaving me a bit disappointed due to stuff that was shown (I’m ignoring the “Developer said this” stuff but the actual shown in damn trailers etc. awesome stuff) that is missing (and my prayer is the developer actually gets his head out of his ass and implements in updates later), has turned out to

Personally always pronounced it “ee-sah-la-mee-ree”

He’s the fighting robot, Master Chief. *sings along*

Let me guess, Divinity: Original Sin and Yooka-Laylee will be in there? Pillars of Eternity as well?

Nintendo should just make a bejeweled knock of using Zelda. if they do it properly they could make bank off that with mobile devices.

Generations renewed my faith in the brand. The game was beautifully put together, the blend of old style stages and newer style stages was fun, and getting to play as both incarnations of Sonic was a real treat.

Heil Hydra!

Sounds like the sort of pun I’d expect in the Least I Could Do comment threads. Lord zombie jesus knows that’s been happening a lot lately.

The end result will be a super bowl with no winners because both teams beat each other to death over a bad call by the referee...or perhaps murdered said referee for a bad call and got arrested for murder and so the game couldn’t be finished.

I frankly had no clue the WiiU was coming out until it’s release with the Legend of Zelda Windwaker HD. And at the time, I STILL didn’t know it was a new a console, I thought it was just the controller and that it was a new piece for expanding the Wii’s capabilities.

Got introduced to those books a few months ago. Now THAT’s a series I’d love to see turned into tv or movies.