Zaion Solaris

I have no real interest to play Eve due to the high micromanaging and grief level, but god damn if the wrap up articles about whats going on in there don’t read like a hop skip and a jump from a good scifi novel.

I had deliberately avoided spoilers before the game released, so got to experience that reveal in all its “holy shit I know this place” glory. Suddenly the locations made sense.

If they had missed a year’s bill/gotten it paid late, they might have a leg. But apparently its been decades since this happened...yeah someone picked up the idiot ball and ran with it.

Coincidence, or merely the first move of Umbrella’s plan to wipe out humanity and take over the world? #ZombieWatch

Horizon: Zero Dawn Post-game Story DLC ^^

What, no DROPBARE??

Had a mod back in the day that let tanks hit anywhere on the map that their faction could see.

Actually, there’s pretty clear evidence of certain sort of discrimination against women in Oseram culture. Just because it’s perhaps not nearly as extreme as was scene in the old Carja, several of the female characters talked about it and about leaving the Claim because of that.

I’d just be satisfied if the game code calling for specific lines of dialogue and references to earlier actions/choices would actually work and reference the ACTUAL decisions I made.

I think there’s even some areas where it’s just plain raining, period, if you enter that specific part of the zone.

I’m just sad they couldn’t even be bothered to keep the NAME of the planet the plans were beamed from the same. I mean, given how uncannon the EU is now, couldn’t they have just called the planet Toprawa and just changed what was actually on the world? (Apparently I have to be THAT NERD as well)

Oh god that fight was a nightmare. I think I only won because I kept leaving traps everywhere and had a shitton of healing available to me.

Your best friends against the Thunderjaw are your ropecaster, sling (ice bomb), tearblast arrows, and whatever your primary damage delivery method of choice is (I like the upgraded but expensive arrows on your hunting bows, but explosive lobs or sticky bombs work as well).

You really need to do some more research. The Rendili StarDrive Hammerhead cruisers (and corvettes, which is what were called for during Rogue One) have been around for over 4000 years in the universe and were first introduced in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Now, that may be considered Legends material now,

She has a point.

I like this idea. I’m not puttoing enough time in to have good stuff yet, but I plan to. First handful of WTs someone sent me bred eevee and bred rowlett. Restored my faith in humanity and is good encouragement to put something worth trading out there.

If you’d ever seen his codpiece you might.

My feeling when I heard about Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Pretty certain we’ve all agreed that if it comes out this game is gonna be “No Man’s Spoor”.

Rumor is that the Switch may be getting a third game for the set.