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I'm not sure how one follows the other. Even the thoroughly amoral and horrible Tywin has moments where you can see glimmers of concern for his children and grandchildren.

It's there to remind us that Jamie Lannister is really a shitty, shitty person. Jamie was on that cliched journey of the redemptive villain, becoming good while being supplanted in the villainous role by new, even greater villains, like his father. But there are no heroes in Westeros. The closest thing we had was

"Drunken talk isn't meant to be printed in the paper." - Ray Charles.   If Ray Charles got over it, I'm not sure we should still be carrying the pitchfork on his behalf.

According to google maps, the DEA is right down the road too.

That is exactly what I thought: the word middlebrow only makes sense here as a deliberate knife in the ribs, it makes no sense as a description of Fantagraphics. Groth is a scrapper who can defend himself, and has earned plenty of lumps, but since when do we review a publisher or editor in a book review? (That Nan

There's a difference between building upon and drawing from a work of literature by a dead author - which as Moore correctly states has been a literary tradition for centuries - and ripping off the work of people who are still alive.  If Moore wrote, say, The Corrections II and had the Lambert children form a secret