
But isn’t their goal to explode Obamacare by leaving that mandate intact, removing the tax on not having insurance, and then forcing people into high-risk pools that will no longer be subsidized? So they’ll be able to say, “See? We told you! It’s in a death spiral! Obama’s to blame!”

I am pro-vax, but the reason why you caught whooping cough likely wasn’t because of herd immunity in the sense in which we normally talk about it.

This is not his first DUI. He had a history of arrests, including on assault charges, before going on the show. I doubt a contestant of color would have gotten a pass on those arrests during the vetting process — but this guy has blond hair and blue eyes, so boys will be boys, amirite?

Ignorant busty woman here: how are these supportive? Are they supportive?

Or are these just for women who are barely A cups or young women who think that gravity will never happen to them (bwahahaha, go on and keep thinking that, girls).

Ignorant busty woman here: how are these supportive? Are they supportive?

Or are these just for women who are barely

After having a baby, I realized there is no love quite like the love you have for a child. It’s this crazy-fierce love that feels like a whole other organ that has formed within your body and in tethered to your child and their well-being. It’s not like the love you have for a parent once you’re an adult; perhaps the

I am wondering if our daughters have the same name.

The pronunciation of her name is helped by the accent, but most people leave it off (and mispronounce it of course)

Here where we live, accents couldn’t be put on the birth certificate. I’m not sure if at some point in the future not having an accent on her birth

I think I’m a classic GenX-er, sandwiched in between on this. I personally find them tacky and would have to donate via one, but I always default to giving couples checks, so it’s really the same thing. Not sure why I have a personal objection, but I keep it to my damn self.

Not dealing with an active infestation, but we got one a few weeks before the arrival of our first baby, and it was the most stressful thing — up until I saw one about 6 weeks later crawling on the carpet.

Called a bed bug exterminator to conduct a K-9 inspection, and no other bed bugs were found. The exterminator

Is it really her? I have a tough time telling blond people apart.

Shit like this pisses me off. My baby did have a serious reaction and we continue to vaccinate. The overall risk of a serious side effect is very low; the risk of encountering germ-spreading idiots seems to be rising every day.

I’m so incredibly sorry that someone you trusted violated that trust in such an unforgiving and cruel way. I’m sorry that the pain continues to linger. I sincerely hope that we as a society can begin to make amends in some small way by fundamentally changing culture and instilling in everyone respect for women,


Right??? This feels like that Friday night Reddit post where people slowly had to break it to the girlfriend that yup, her man was cheating on her.

(Just ribbing you, E=MC Hammered - you obviously know your spouse and know it was a scam.)

Not to be the wet blanket, but your point was why I wasn’t immediately jumping to the conclusion that spending 3x as much on hats = bad idea, if they’re using those hats to fundraise on their online store.

My grandmother’s mother died when she was 4. Only in the past several years did my grandmother whisper to me the truth about how her own mother died. She had a sad childhood, and the very few things that belonged to her own mother were taken by her new step-mother to give her own family members. Later she would marry

I just noticed for the first time that in that KFC photo, he has a salt shaker next to his plate of fried chicken. A SALT SHAKER.

Yes, but can we not use the phrase “illegal immigrant?” More than just semantics, it’s a phrase that just doesn’t make much sense. From an op-ed in Time:

My baby somehow did not inherit my melanin.

I forgot the baby sunscreen last weekend and pulled out mine in order to slap it on her legs, but then started dying from laughter, because it was tinted sunscreen and I was apparently painting her brown.

Now the new “smoking gun” is a CDC study that found that in one data set, African-American boys who had been vaccinated, there was a higher incidence of autism that was statistically significant. This data wasn’t published. A CDC researcher discussed this dataset with an anti-vaxxer, and it quickly turned into claims