
Wait, seriously? Once a year? I’m a person of color who has resided in the District since 2001 and didn’t know that.

Which is part of the reason I’ve stopped filling my prescription for EpiPen. Perhaps stupidly. I’m taking the calculated risk that I live in a major city and can get to a hospital in time, should I have a severe allergic reaction.

This is an incredibly risky strategy.

My allergic reactions to nuts are generally

Now it’s time to start a #FreeMegynKelly hashtag.

For this very reason, we didn’t tell anyone (even family!) that we were having a girl. It at least held off the pink for a few months, until she got bigger.

Also, our 1-year-old got a book about princesses, along with a plush princess doll, in a princess gift bag from my mom at her birthday party.

I actually was there to listen to the digital campaigns panel yesterday. The reporter didn’t push him, and the room and hallway were both pretty wide. (Although there was a bottleneck the direction Grayson was going in; had he simply turned around, he could have exited the room one of two other ways.

Grayson pushed

Many women of color like myself keep our hair in ponytails because our hair doesn’t act the same way as your hair. If it rains, my hair turns into a frizzy mess, which undoubtedly would be deemed by people like you to be “unprofessional.”

Assuming that people can just not wear ponytails and our hair would just hair

Oops! Minor typo. I think this is supposed to say Greystar: “Greystone is offering three months rent to tenants...”

True, I tried to simply my point due to one-handed-baby-holding-typing, and ended up not being very clear.

I can’t figure out where Lily Allen’s politics lie on Brexit; she seems to be aligned with Labour, but then she calls for Article 50 to be invoked immediately.

I love Bebel Gilberto more than anyone, but I could not hear the dialogue at all in that clip because of the song’s relative volume.

I did, however, notice Bardem’s giant head.

I’m pretty certain I’m going to die at the hands of some almond milk fanatic who offers me some homemade thing they’ve made with nut juice, and when I ask, “does it have nuts in it?” they shake their head no.

Why people think that things that contain peanut butter or almond milk or pesto do not contain nuts is beyond

*Might be a TW for some:* When I was around 11 or so, my family lived in rural New England, in a town where everyone’s house was a good 3 or 4 acres away from the next. One early evening, my parents discovered I had eaten a bag of potato chips and started beating me as punishment.

I could see out of the corner of my

So basically, political Joaquin Phoenix?

Nope, no c-section, although I was just so exhausted and in pain, even though I had set out to have a natural delivery, I would not have objected had that been proposed.

Ugh, that’s the worst. My sacrum had been bad prior to being pregnant, but once my joints started loosening at 9 weeks, I felt marvelous.

I LOVED being pregnant. My skin cleared up, my allergies were better, I felt the baby kick, people were nice to me, I looked good in a bikini for the first time in my life, I didn’t get any stretch marks or anything.

I FUCKING HATED LABOR. Totally regret doing the whole natural childbirth thing. Going OB + epidural

She's tiny all around. People who see her first time think she’s just a really advanced younger baby. I just let them believe that and be amazed.

This gives me hope!

6lbs 3oz, which I think was deceiving because I was on a lot of fluids because I was GBS+.

My baby was born at 40 weeks on the dot almost a year ago, and she only JUST passed 14.4 lbs at her last doctor’s visit.