
Reading through the details of Piratebay's move to the cloud, I'm like, "DAANNGGG!!!! that's a fairly simple (but quite technically complex) solution" I'm impressed. One other torrent site could learn a thing or two from this... They've been out for too long already...

Never said Microsoft, but talked about their products... yup. Anyway, I haven't read about the details of the parts, so I have no comment regarding if they are actually selling the product at a loss. At it's current price, it seems fairly appropriate.

I'm not sure how you underestimate a company you have no financial oversight of. Unlike RIM, Microsoft isn't even showing signs of loosing any big chunk of their assets to keep themselves afloat. Certain divisions may become unsuccessful (like the Zune) but Microsoft will always make a profit. The Surface isn't even

It sounded almost great, until the part where the DVR can only store your recordings on the cloud..... with a subscription.... I'll guess I'll pass... color me interested

"...has yet to make profit"

little experience? The have the still running Xbox product line, the past Zune product line (even if it was a "flop" that's still experience), they also have a huge line up of MS hardware (keyboard, mouse, etc)... I don't think that's in any way "little"

That's a good thing, if you get there ahead, regardless if it's untapped or not. More users will recognize your name even before the big guys enter the game.

I assume she licensed the photo for "internal use" where Apple can use it as a "temporary image" for use when creating the final render. But, apparently they didn't replace it with anything else and pushed it out for ads, and so on, which violates the license they got from the photographer. Therefore, the photographer

Well, I guess unboxing videos are quite important in a personal perspective, then.

I think I do more searches on my phone... There's just those spurt of ideas out of no where and I'm out and about. Often, I search for directions or about a particular location. Sometimes, a word I don't know... Or sometimes, just things I think of. But if a computer's nearby, I'd say I'm inclined to search on a

Not surprised, those patterns are recognizable as a usual "art" from LG in their products

Curiously (no pun intended) I still wonder why they chose to have the rover have exposed cables and stuff instead of having it enclosed protected from external elements...

As a full time windows 8 user (RTM version from MSDN), the final version is much more better than the Dev Preview (from last year), the Consumer Preview, and the Release Preview... A lot of the annoyances from the Dev Preview is gone since the Consumer Preview, and a lot of polishing has been done to the Release

Yup, exactly, and the Leap is cheaper... Two leaps is roughly the same cost of ONE kinect (Windows Dev version)

Sssshhh, let the people of Giz troll for now... That's majorly where they're getting their ad revenue for now...

That was an ad? It was more of a "trailer" or something like that.... Something I'd say I'd find on Vimeo. It's not even bad.

is there a way to exclude certain tag from the feed? You guys previously had "not:Apple" kind of thing for the website that allows us to exclude news stories that has that tag... does that still work or is there an alternative?

5 bucks? eeehhhhhh, no... make it 99 cents or 1.99 then I might say yes.... But just for this "fun" activity? meeeeeeh, good idea, but still a fairly expensive "entry fee"

Or maybe because River takes the time to learn how to use them properly? Remember, River can fly the TARDIS much better than the Doctor. So, naturally, River is capable of using the Vortex Manipulator efficiently, probably even better than Jack.

Maybe you guys could add a couple more videos to show off the device. The single video on the site (which could have been larger) doesn't provide adequate details to the device. I'm not even sure how the IR remote would work if the device is at the back of an HDTV... A lot of detail still seems to be behind the