And I wonder why 1and1 isn't on the list... They've been great for me for the past 4 years! I now have about 15 domains with them and at the highest Tier in their hosting...
And I wonder why 1and1 isn't on the list... They've been great for me for the past 4 years! I now have about 15 domains with them and at the highest Tier in their hosting...
And I wonder why 1and1 isn't on the list... They've been great for me for the past 4 years! I now have about 15 domains with them and at the highest Tier in their hosting...
Mine is the 26th and I've only met ONE who shares a birthday with me....
I did, but I was talking about your argument.
Wuuuuuut? Some of the phones listed (or all of them?) should be given FREE with a contract....
Did you just discredit your own argument? Yeeeeeaaaaah, there's kiddie porn on MY computer, I should report it... What do you think the cops would think?
EPIC!! Just what I wanted! Google, you just keeping on improving and impressing me....
So, if one website shows you a ad picture of child porno... Therefore your balls should be cut off because your browser chose to cache the image because you visited a site completely unrelated to child porno and just happened to show you an ad of it?
Fresh milk they said.... It will be fun they said....
That's a nice pun.... but that defeats the purpose of texting to 911 in the first place
He also missed to point that cameras often have in-between notches between STOPS... Say, between 1/4 and 1/8 shutter speed, there's 1/5 and 1/6.... There's also f4.5 and f5.0 between f4.0 and f5.6... They are roughly a one-thirds of a full stop....
Well... You know sometimes, some of the less intellectual readers can't grasp some finer things that you simply just have to assume they didn't understand it.... XD
A better statement would be:
Booyeah! Same thought! Monsters Inc with door storage areas.....
This comment will self destruct after ...
Throwing it in fire only burns any combustible parts of it... The magnetic discs inside do not burn and can be move into a working drive and they can still get your data like you never threw it in fire. Unless of course that fire REALLY hot that it melts everything they all your data is not only technically gone, but…
Well, pirating won't ever go away. But at least they can reduce it through such means. It's like opening a new section that can cater to a new set of audience for the same product. Which is, not bad. Of course, that doesn't mean it can eliminate pirating. It will always exist, as there will always be patches in our…
It can be a good deal for those who only need for, say, a month or two.
You sir, I give +1 internetz!
Well, if the cost of filing an IP claim for the domain costs more than the price of the domain from him...... Then just buy it... Otherwise, file an IP claim and his business can be shutdown forever and he will be sent to jail for it. (and you get the domain for yourself and you get to free thousands of other domains…