
Theses rate are for the police with a valid search warrant. It's not like they're being sold on the market to anyone who has the money to. Now that this is revealed, I used to know they can access these for free in the first place. It's something called subpoena, essentially requiring anyone (your landlord, phone

Might also help if you have a "consent form" or "Media release form" for the same reason... The consent form assures that if ever the photo will be used beyond your portfolio and will be used , say on TV shows, magazines, etc, you have a written consent with their signature that they agreed and aware of the

IF they fit it onto ship, would the ship have enough energy to provide the needed kick to fire a couple of rounds? I think that's on hurdle they still need to get around of...

I think it's more or less of a joke than actual bug.... Like say, an easter egg they actually placed in...

Yes, I use my smartphone, for several functions NOT just for calling... I use it for work, and stuff... So, while I do understand your argument I'd say everyone has their own uses for their own phones, and if the manufacturer can't cater for a particular kind of customer, it's bad business. I don't say they'll loose a

say what? I can list over 10 smartphones released within 2 years, excluding the phone I'm using right now and is not a blackberry, with removable batteries... so I find your statement "I don't thin'k' there are many smartphones out there that have replaceable batteries" quite hard to prove... nearly all of samsung's

aaawww, I think I'll pass on this one then... looked great, but I need replaceable batteries since I am often too long away from anywhere near an electrical socket to charge my phone, or if I am, I do not have the liberty to have the time to let it charge.

Does it have removable/replaceable battery? That's a big question I wanted answered and haven't found the answer, yet....

He's a genius, after all....

His GPS told him to turn right.....

I think it was in the border of being fake, but facts show that his survival was very plausible, and the fact that he did survive makes it real.

Thanks, I didn't bother heading over to the links. For a moment there, I thought "If he had a way to get out, why not go out and get help?" and then I recalled he's in the middle of no where so help is probably not the best option, and his chances of surviving is much greater staying inside.

Yup, exactly how igloos work.... :D

I was just wondering, how come he didn't experience any Carbon Dioxide suffocation? Did he, somehow, manage to be able to pipe air from outside? Or is because of his slow metabolic rate that his oxygen consumption drops as well?

Actual, there is something in the film industry that they were able to make, where they can put a gel-like substance directly on your skin, and light it on fire.... You won't get burned at all, you'll feel some of the heat, but that's pretty much it. It's the closest thing to not having to CGI the fire and get a "fire

Now if only the Fire was available in Canada.......

First rule of demonoid is not to talk about demonoid... second rule is, there was never any demonoid in the first place.

He was all over the internet and news because of this, more or less because the neighbours are mad he got the house for 16 bucks, while they had to pay for their own in hundreds of thousands... They're just jealous.


And I just had to reply... That is fully accurate, and true. However, you still missed what I was saying....