
well, he's in the atlantic,... soooo......

Yes, like what those two people just said right below you I have people in my list that I keep in contact with on Facebook, but not necessary want to see thing they are doing. Like, old high school classmates, some distant relative, your co-worker, and so on. While your point is indeed valid, we have our own use for

To me, not yet. Needs a little bit more "motivation" to make me move. And yes, I do use w8 from time to time, but some stuff still doesn't work right now. I'm sure those will be worked out later on, but right now. Metro isn't exactly for desktop, yet. And the traditional desktop environment isn't anything new, yet. So

Thanks, I just realized that now that you mentioned... Maybe Facebook should ask the user what kind of "Top Story" do they really want to see and about whom... While their concept is great, their execution is just broken. Plus, the new smart lists broke my privacy settings. Now I had to fix it, and realize it's still

I miss the "Recent Updates" tab on the news feed.... Especially what Facebook is suggesting as "Top Stories" are about some people I know that IDGAF about. Meanwhile, the people I care about are not even there, much like how the sidebar chat tries to suggest people to it that IDGAF about either.

Exactly, while at the metro UI, just start typing even if you don't see any text field... it's like searching on the start menu (that I dearly miss so much, not really, I'm still at 7 but have 8 on my touch laptop) just hit WIN key and start typing...

So where does "Regards" stand off?? I always use that... Based on the two with regards on it, it's somewhere near "unfamiliar" side...

:| << that's exactly my face seeing this... I don't say I like it, neither am I not liking it. It's just that I still have mixed feelings for this, maybe when I actually get to use it, we'll see...

Possibly relevant question, I'm planning to reuse an old computer by making it into a display that will show the weather, a news feed, and some photo slideshow... anyone knows a software (linux or windows) that I could use for this? It would be really great if there is... Thanks...

While I do agree with this article, I find that it would be ok if what they posted was from their phone, no matter when it was taken. However, using a DSLR or any other camera other than your phone's camera its just plain "cheating" as the author says. The essence of Instagram is to share photos form your phone, not

looks sweet! This would look nice for any classic office with wood furniture and such... but somehow, I fee like it's a bit expensive for my tastes... still looks great though

This is the most flawed idea, since EVERYONE has the same plan, except for those who dare to do something different and actually not use the most obvious and most "easy" thing to do.

Sweeeeeeet! And it works for Toronto as well!! I'm so gonna use this frequently :)

Yep, exactly. Don't want to make the noobs go all around the internet and go "how do I download it?", "Do I have to open it?" etc etc... so yeah, making them use other application would just make it more complicated for the noobs... and be much more frustrating for the person trying to teach how to do it

"Emailable Tech Support is a tri-weekly series of easy-to-share guides for the less tech savvy people in your life. Got a beginner tech support question you constantly answer? Let us know at Remember, when you're just starting out computing, there's very little that's too basic to learn."

This article is under the "EMAILABLE TECH SUPPORT" which means it is meant for people you know who doesn't know how to use computers... kind of like a quick reference you send to them...not exactly targeted for the actual readers of LH...

So, you didn't get into trouble this time just to get this one? hehehe just kidding, anyways, I still like the iPhone 4 design better... and I bet the 5 will be like the 4, just slimmer... as usual...

VOTE: Kindle

Interesting find! That might come to use one day for me....

If there's one thing in OSX that I really want in Windows and *nix, that would be Expose which then in Lion we have Mission Control, seems pretty nifty for me. I like those features. Launchpad however, is a big meeeeeeeeeh, for me... I think it would be really usefull if the mac was a touchscreen... using it on the