
I just did this yesterday for today's sunrise....

@punk1n13: what I meant by app-based was app/app-store based system... maybe I should have reworded that... but anyways... yeah, that's what I mean by "app-based" not really how "apps" and such and what they are...

lol, weapon-firing nipples!!! haha

Windows 8? Or more like "Windows Phone 8 for Computers" heh.

I don't really think this would actually give any significant increase in performance. What this is basically doing is allocating more virtual memory, which windows automatically (and should automatically) manages for you.

Wow, that looks snappier than the last demo I've seen... interesting.... I want more demos!

@jeremy_mccurdy: never thought of it that way... I'll use the integrated one then... Since I liked the discreet updates by Chrome... and since flash only checks updates weekly, or so...

@ilovetofu: I wonder what kind of lifehacker stuff will be in such, hehehe

@ilovetofu: Thanks, I don't wnat the built-in flash, rather I want to use the external version so that it is more up to date. Plus, having two versions might create conflicts, so I'll disable one...

Hah! Finnally Sync to the SKyDrive has been added! I've been waiting for that! But I was already using Sync for months already, and it's good. Now It's better with the Sync to it's online storage. It's now pretty much like Dropbox. But I didn't really like how Dropbox works, so I didn't use it.

It looked cool! I wish I can custom design themes and stuff... but meeeh, I'm happy with seeing stuff like these... hehe

At this very moment, 50,000 .XXX site are now being registered every minute... lol kidding... :P but who know? I might be right.

I'd like to get #2... however, Apple is more of a hardware company than a software company (like Microsoft) so they really like to sell their OS to work only on their hardware... Unlike Windows, which is made to work on (almost) any machine no matter who made it.

@clone1000: if it was illegal, then they should have given a way to actually unlock the software... why would they tell you to just re-arm if it was illegal? If we're going illegal, at least make it right.

@Menouthis: yup, that's what I heard, too.


EDIT, damn double posts

One of my friends told me one of the scenes of this movie was filmed at University of Toronto Scarborough Campus. She was there when they filmed it, however, she wasn't able to see any spoilers... lol

@k2kyo: I grew up with that over lego,... k'nex is truely far more awesome than kinect/natal...

I don't like the new name... I'd like to call it Natal... and I will continue to call it Natal... haha, Kinect sounds stupid... I wonder who named it that?