
@pinshot: if they got banned from the game, why do they need a new console?


"It only makes your hands slippery if you put too much on."

I actually LOLed out loud while looking at these pictures.... And I was in class not listening to my prof.... So everyone looked at me...

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Yup, I agree with you. It's just that I can't think of any good trolling comment for these kind of articles.

@Ajh: in XP if he still has IE6, he still should be able to access updates using IE6... even if Microsoft wants you to update to IE8, you can still stay at IE6 and still receive updates... that's if XP would still have updates aside from Silverlight, IE8, and those sort of stuff...

@Flaxmoore: yup, that's how it works... so you'll have to hide it again... if only the windows/microsoft update has this "Don't update this program" option then it would be better...

@izzy9985: in XP uncheck it from the list then continue with the update.. then later on it should ask you if you want to "hide" that update in the future..

@Jess Rogers: I miss it too! It's the only place I actually trust... because it's been there longer... lol and it's where most of the stuff from other sites come from.. ahahaha

@pettiblay: yup I was there early this year... quite a few months before they went down... so yeah.. probably I'd still have mine there...

@rizo536: maybe once Microsoft Surface or some other company with some kind of product releases in a fair low price

@captain zach america: it will come out for the consoles but beta is for pc as of now.... and based on my experience, the in game control are pretty much based on console controls...

@Cheesus Crust: same here... I'm an CNC fan.... and I'm sure you can get used the controls and the system... it isn't that hard to master...

I've got a beta key, :D and so far I'm enjoying it. Here's an overview of what we can do, so far:

I still so thing D2D is larger than Stardock's Impulse... I've been around those two more than I was with Steam... more especially with D2D and I am very sure D2D is larger than Impulse.

@pettiblay: ~gaaaah, Demonoid has been down for like FOREVER!!!