
at last! the software I have long been looking for! haha, thanks for this I can now build my own CCTV at home... lol well, not really... haha #security

wow..... awesome.....

@boshans: tsk, sorry.. i was busy in class... lol yup... i'm not paying much attention to both what I'm reading here and in class.... #gamestop

ok, why would you go to the store and buy the license/product key/download key/whatever you may call it, then go home and download it?? it's pretty much like, DUH?

@Kymeira: The article's first lines just said that Microsoft has been granted the patent...

Interesting.... So later on this might integrate to the Chrome OS? as an online drive where you can access your files using the Chrome OS? that would be cool..... :D #gmail

I don't see why he wanted the video to be taken down... unless he wasn't credited, then it would just seem fine... but he should have just contacted them first... they should be kind enough to have a good talk with him and have negotiations... He could have gotten even more famous by that or even get a simple

I'll try this on a virtual machine that has virtual hard drive changes locked... so that I can play it over and over without thinking what will happen next... haha #loselose

@Lincoln Burrows: probably why it can go better than other is because it can use windows' own tools and system so that it can work along seamlessly with windows... unlike other AVs that needs to run their own applications to do something...

@Đipic: maybe he's talking about the atom support? I dunno.... but hey, if you're on the mac... I haven't heard of any crippling update, yet.

@Marand: No one actually needs an anti-virus software if they would be very cautious of the files they are opening online. #antivirus

@MePerson: I agree on that.. if they would round up the free from the paid, then nod32 would probably be leading... hehehe well at least in my opinion... #antivirus

oooohhhh, good for EA.... although I don't play those games.... hehe... but certainly, EA did a good choice of acquiring Playfish #playfish

Interesting... I might use this try this later... This can help extend my laptop's battery life #aerofoil

I don't care about the new or old feed... as long as I see stuff, that's fine for me.