
Those that claim righteousness are always the least so.

While I think Adam is being a dick, I just want to say he is not related to the Baldwin brothers.

Yes that is true but they are on 90 minutes after they are finished. The local team are the NATs but I really a Yankee and Orioles fan.

If you have internet you can get all the major league baseball games from the MLB.TV app on apple tv. Currently it is on sale for 49.95 for a year subscription.

Super re-cap and observations. Well done.

If it was one or two women but 20 some have come forward with basically the same tale, you have to admit it's more than just smoke but a raging forest fire.

Dinesh D’Souza is just another flim flam man exploiting the ignorant,intolerant in this country, who oppose change and fantasize about a past American that never existed.
His primary interest is cash and Dinesh D’Souza.