
Haven't gotten there quite yet, just bought the second book like literally two hours ago :D I decided to check out what all the fuss was about so I borrowed the first book from my cousin a few weeks ago. Finally got around to reading it this week, and then promptly read it all in a day. Fuss totally deserved.

That's what I was going to say: every single ounce of makeup and stitch of fabric Cinna put on Katniss and Peeta was strategy. Highly subtle strategy, the kind that shapes ideas and unconscious impressions, but strategy nonetheless.

That was something I was thinking about just the other day. These huge quiverfull families can't be breastfeeding for any large length of time if they're able to pop out a new baby every year or so. Back in the Bible days, a quiverfull family would most likely have been far, far smaller than the Duggars or the Bates

It pisses me the hell off that Anti-Choice protesters can freely flaunt the federal FACE act day in and day out, harassing those who want access to a legal medical procedure and screaming and threatening women and doctors. But when Pro-Choice protesters want to assemble peacefully the effing riot police get called out

Silver lining: At least he attributed men's chivalry to cultural indoctrination and not some Eco-Psyc BS about natural instincts and berries (seriously everything goes back to berries).

I don't think its necessarily an anatomy thing, but a women's fashion is never designed with urinating utility in mind like men's fashion is. Their fashion norm is longer fly's and nice loose fitting pants. Ours are tight pants with itty bitty or nonexistent fly's.

The O and the M were switched. He is, sadly, not quite *that* blunt about his priorities.

Yea, took me a while too, it's a damn good photoshop job. And so true to boot.

Color me surprised.

That is something I was concerned about, the soci psych being a little too researched oriented and not applicable enough. I would like to eventually get a PhD and be all academic-y (because I really enjoy theory and academia) but not for a *career*. I guess I'll keep looking at some different programs, probably more

I used to do that fairly often when I worked retail. It was a great way to relax after a bad day... which, since it was the holiday season, was just about every day :D Now I go through a phase like that every couple of months where I'll have me a drink or two every night for a couple of weeks just to relax and get a

I'm hoping for a federal job (dream job would be working with military families), but mostly in some sort of social work, administration, or human resources kinda realm.

There's some stuff called Go B Gone that is great at getting stickers (and other gooey things) off of even fairly delicate surfaces. It's not terribly expensive and I think is usually in the same area as Pledge in the supermarket. I would definitely try it out first on a corner or something to make sure it didn't

I've got a question about online graduate programs for any knowledgeable Jezzies out there.

I had this issue when I first stated getting sexual with a boyfriend (who is now my husband). The only advice I can give is to just relax and realize it can be a bit of a process getting comfortable enough/un-anxious enough to reach orgasm in front of another person. Try to just enjoy the journey with your guy and try

I'm glad I'm not the only one that still gets upset by that.

Looks like PP is raking in the donations, over $400k in the last 24 hours since the new broke according to the Washington Post. It's an amazing outpouring of support. Warms my cockles it does.

Gotta love sci-fi forum rumors, always chock full of conspiracy theories of some sort. :)

I've heard that JMS actually went to Paramount Studios with the B5 idea and series bible. They looked at it and said no to him, then turned around and used the idea and plot points and arcs from his series bible as 'inspiration' for DS9. I've never actually watched DS9 tho, so I have no clue how similar the two are.

I will gladly geek out with you over B5 and Buffy :)