
I have two pairs of boots that I wear as either my 'normal day out and about' or my 'woo fancy time'. The former are a pair of ankle boots with a normal boot heel that I got from Target for like $25 (yes, I'm cheap) and the latter are again ankle boots (I have wide calves *pout*) but with a 2 inch heel that I got from

Yup. I'm a big believer in that if a doctor has a problem with you wanting someone else in the room for support, they aren't the right doctor for you. And that goes for any and every kind of medicine. I frequently accompany my husband to his medical appointments to a) be his memory since he has memory problems and b)

I know when I was younger and getting pelvic exams for the first few times my mom would come in and stand at the top of the bed and hold my hand through it. I'm sure a caring doctor would let a supportive person be there for ya, especially in cases like this.

Assuming said juvie offenders are fair of skin. I've seen many Hispanic and Black kids, especially boys, given very harsh punishments for relatively minor things. And yet I've seen a white boy get off with a (relative) slap on the wrist for stealing a car. I can guarantee ya that the recidivism rate among Texas

I maybe wrong about this, but I don't think Snakes On A Plane was intended to be a factual statement. ;)

Snakes would actually be devastating to the indigenous wildlife of Hawaii, so customs and animal control are *very* careful to keep snakes from getting on the islands and to get rid of any that show up.

The restriction that keeps EC out of the hands of minors also keeps adult women from being able to easily access it.

That's a good site and I refer back to it myself (and send others to it) frequently, expressly because I do get tired of the hogwash that Obama has done nothing, pushed no liberal issues, or is actively harming the nation (I usually get that from my conservative family, but it's kinda hard for them to argue with

Seriously #4 all the freakin way. Regardless of all the whole safe sex, no pregnancy thing, clean up can be such a hassle! I'm married and on the Nuva Ring, and there are still days where I request my husband wears a condom cause I don't want to do a turkey run to the bathroom afterwards or deal with that leaky faucet

Wouldn't some/most of those weight-carrying and weight-bearing activities be spread acroos more than just upper arm strength? Curling 25 pound dumbells is difficult (to say the least, I am not fit at all) for me but lifting a 25 lbs bag of dog food is easy peasy because I can use my legs, and wearing and moving around

This would have been me as a child. I have such a huge fascination with big cats (and small ones too). Hell this was me the first time I got to go to the San Diego Zoo where they had an exhibit almost exactly like this one and there was a great big lion pacing back and forth along the glass. So enthralled.

Ditto. Delicious cookies and supporting inclusivity in the GSUSA? Sign me up for a truckload please.

Exactly exactly. Personality, especially these traits that are gendered, are heavily affected by socialization, learning, and environment. So, yeah, not all that surprised they found some measurable differences (all though different species levels of differences? hell to the effing no), but that does NOT mean that

Amen to that! Love USAA so much. And, bonus!, they didn't give me one iota of crap for not changing my name when I got married. Its amazazing.

I didn't see that he had been committed, I haven't been keeping close tabs on the story.

Assuming that the alleged shooter did have a mental health issue resulting from his time in the service, better screening and in-service counseling after being in theater could have helped him and caught his issue before it escalated to this point. I know for a fact that these are not our military's strong suit, and

Cleaned out my makeup drawer, which of course meant I had to test out all the shades of the old/rarely used makeup on my arm. I am now the girl with the (multicolored) dragon tattoo.

Can't be that bad if the female lion is willing to do the spikey sex thing upwards of 100 times a day. Honestly though, we can't apply human concepts of consent, pleasure, orgasm, sexuality, etc. on to animals that have such vastly different biologies than us. The whole going into heat thing alone makes it impossible

That's how my husband's family is. His grandma has his mom at 20 and his mom had him at 20. So right now grandma is 65, mom is 45, and he's 25. And we're getting into that time to have kids territory, so gmom and mom might soon be getting some extra adjectives at a (relatively) young age.

I don't have a cat (sadly), but my dogs like to try to 'help' when I work out. Like when I'm trying to balance during a quad stretch, they'll jump up on my legs in an attempt to stabilize me. Or the one time, when I was doing crunches/ab work, one of them came over, put her nose in my face to check out what I was