
I learned how to drive stick in a maroon 1995 Isuzu Trooper 5-speed. It had the 3.2l SOHC V6 and there was no other way to describe it other than the fact that it was grossly under-powered for its weight, at least it felt that way. Luckily it had a pretty forgiving clutch and a really low 1st gear such that you could

"80 knots... V1... Rotate..."

Neutral: What Do You Want To See From The Ford Archives? Ford has such a rich history my mind is racing with all the possibilities. What do you want to see?

FaceTime. With no headphones. In First Class.

Could be a Honda that they just put the star badge on to confuse us.

It looks like a Buick Regal... noting the high tail lights, wheels, door handles, and C pillar.

<outofhandpedant>That's hoisted with my own petard.</outofhandpedant>

You'd hope that the price point would keep it out of the hands of the distracted driving public and only in the hands of intelligent early adopters... at least until the tech gets cheap....

After seeing the image that's exactly how I said it, monocle and all.

I'm going modern corolla. Like killing one bacterium in a petri dish.

#10 says "Porsche's early wheel-mounted paddles." Here's a 2012 cabriolet.

Funny they quote the Ford Focus as "refined" and bash all American cars as unrefined when the Focus was engineered in both the US and Europe.

I don't wanna be that guy but did we really need all that religion? I guess I'm not the audience...

Need for Speed did a good job matching drift sounds.