
Hmm, Interesting...

U.S. Soccer is a bunch of hypocrites considering Tim Howard has been blurting out inappropriate things his entire career.

I do appreciate your hard work, but you failed to take into account preexisting health conditions or the possibility that he eats like this every single day

There’s a word for that special sub-species of clown: assclown.

If CBD isn’t legal, it’s because of a very good reason. They have billions of dollars less than pharma companies.

I also think Ledger’s Joker is such a amazing product of its time. You can argue the Joker is first and foremost, an agent of chaos but what makes that really scary is the raw idealism behind it. He’s willing to die on several occasions just so that he can carry forth a message and a worldview that is opposite

Let’s brainstorm some possibilities:...

If you waited 15 minutes there wouldn’t be a need to post anything. But it’s Overwatch and you cannot help yourselves.

I haven’t been able to figure out the Harambros. Are they Bernie Bros who needed an outlet for their memes? Are they racist? Am *I* the racist for thinking there might be racial overtones? Did I write this whole comment because I think the term “harambros” is funnier than the actual Harambe stuff?

Hahaha, amen. It’s like being upset that a 5 year old called you a booger face. Like who cares? Log off, maybe get some counseling.

Man, I wasted my master capsule on a Pengin.

I’ll just lift up my leg and wipe the rim off with my sock, then go about my business as if nothing happened.


Of course she is. They all do.