
Centre of Canuckistan here - virtually no seismic activity, so not an issue here.

You, Ross Noble, and shattering Ewoks.

I had my own nostalgia moment seeing that dusty X-Wing cabinet - I'd know that controller interface anywhere!

As a drummer who plays other instruments, I interpret it as Gear Acquisition Syndrome. :-)

There's being on the front line getting fired upon, and then there's "Hey, go fly this plane through the remains of this nuclear explosion, kthnxbye".

Came for this, leaving satisfied.

Nice system as long as one doesn't ever plan on moving.

While I love ACMESalesRep's answer (heh) early camera didn't have regulated ways of advancing film frames- in fact, for quite some time film was advanced by hand with a crank, which is impossible to regulate, as everyone is going to do it at a different rate.

Double-plus +1 for that.

Brilliant! If there's a Linux variant (I'm gonna look RIGHT NOW), that'll make my bloody day.

Considering most of my music comes from "other sources" and that I've been lax in rendering my ID3 tags in some sense of coherent order, I'm nowhere near as bad as I used to be.

I was a Sonique user before I jumped to Winamp. It was a neat player, but seemed to concentrate more on skinning in odd ways than actual functionality. Winamp won out.

I love the Amarok UI, but it's had some odd behaviour that has pushed me to use Banshee.

Before medication, I used to be that kind of OCD. Hell, my DVDs and CDs used to be categorized by genre, then alphabetized, with the added filter of country/region of origin on my CDs.

I was a huge XMMS fan for the longest time, due to its similarity to WinAMP. It even used WinAMP skin files!

Eh, not having played Zelda, I wouldn't have gone there.

I cannot help but think of Half Life every time I see pictures of this place.

I've had an A100 for a while now, and for the most part I love it - the form factor is comfortable, and the update to ICS was relatively timely.

Around the Fraser Valley, the truck:car ratio of vehicles in the ditch in the winter was around 70:30.

I've had as many as 5, but my current setup is -