Zac Shipley

Sit on it, Chewie.

The best thing about Guardians of the Galaxy is they didn't spend much time introducing the characters. They show who Quill is, but the rest of the cast more or less shows up and we get to know who they are by actions. The line up scene is exposition sure, but with John C Reilly and Peter Serafinwicz delivering it,

1998/99 were years I worked at Blockbuster video so this the first entry in this series where I can say I saw every single one of the "other notables" on VHS.

Wrong: it is the greatest song and video.

If Donald Trump signed an executive order banning Transformers movies, I'd buy a MAGA hat.

How I Met Your Mother
The Office
Parks & Rec

if my house is on fire and I only have time to save one S-K record, I'm saving All Hands On The Bad One.

There is no sure bet the movie will be good, but just bringing Whedon in on a DC movie now speaks to a change in direction from the one Snyder and Ayer started us in. It also speaks to WB/DC still not really knowing what to do if their next big get is a marvel guy. Grab Jon Favreau for Flash while you're at it, I

If my son offered me a dollar every time he asked me a question I'm all for it.

Even taking what you say as fact, Disco is surely an offshoot of rock.

Very Bad Things is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Maybe not technically bad, but I remember it going out of its way to make you hate every single character, so I didn't care what happened to them at all, good or bad.

Is it really wise to wait 5 years between entries on a kids movie? I mean I guess some of the pixar films are years apart, but I'm wondering if my Lego movie loving kids will still care in 2019.

Ironically Hamill never won an Emmy for Joker but Kevin Michael Richardson who did the role in "The Batman" did win one.

it felt like a fight right out of Terminator 2.

I think this episode proves that AOS doesn't need them.

thats the time I use to get out my phone and tweet about how the movie sucked and the teaser for the next movie better be good.

I'd throw money at the screen for another Matrix movie.

And now I'm sold on Beck Bennett as Launchpad McQuack.

I loved Tropical Freeze, but you're not kidding it was unforgiving.

Leave Jordan at home. Make it Guy Gardner and John Stewart. And also like the rest said, get rid of Goyer.