
Scrubs was really, really bad.

Also they're largely reacting to imaginary people they've been told exist by South Park.

This definitely sounds like something that really happened.

Alex Jones very openly hates trans people and, indeed, expressed a desire to assault them in the very same sentence. This is not innocent ignorance on his part.

Anything in this country that could legitimately be called "censorship" has less to do with people being offended and more to do with the government intimidating journalists or activists. But people like Corgan can't get up in arms about that because it doesn't allow them to tell minorities to pipe down.

Despite all my layers
I am still just a rat in a cage.

"Be fair" was also the CW casting call, incidentally.

God is a beta cuck SJW.

I feel like Pat Boone would probably assume any girl who could do those things was a lesbian and refuse to sing about her.

The Gospel According to Albert Anastasia is not considered canonical.

Speaking of Mel Gibson.

He's bisexual. It says Adam AND Eve, not Adam OR Eve.

He'd just No True Scotsman that.

There Isn't Any Woman Like the One I Have

Hahahaha I'd forgotten about the weird, random Ahmedinejad reference. Yeah the media went super-easy on him by treating him like he had his finger on the button every time he said something nuts even though the Iranian presidency is basically a figurehead position.

The weird subsection of Twitter that are largely atheists themselves but bait self-serious atheists by pretending to think Hitler invented atheism is always good for a laugh.

So is the funniest part of this the notion that Young People were going to see this or the notion that SNL making fun of it dissuaded them?

It very much is, but for some reason the column appears to be gone from World Nut Daily even though it's first hit when you Google "pat boone mel gibson."

My favorite Pat Boone hot take is still "judging Mel Gibson for being an anti-Semite is like judging someone with Tourette's."