
This is amazing. Being anti-incest is now "far left."

Please disregard my previous comment, everyone, I didn't realize Thebadmenwire didn't think it was especially egregious.

These people can't process the idea that everyone they disagree with doesn't worship Hillary. After all, if you can't put everyone you hate in one box, what's the point of being a Trump supporter to begin with?

Also for the last time: what does Hillary Clinton have to do with this?

You caught me, bro, I definitely would not replace the word "white" with something you have no basis for besides your own anti-Semitism.

Couple things, kid:
a- Yes, raging.
b- what do you imagine my "side" is? How does thinking an open misogynist/con artist/white supremacist lusting after his daughter is gross say anything about my politics? You're the only one talking about Hillary Clinton, mostly because you didn't have the heart to continue pretending

Yes, the fact that your response to a guy wanting to bang his daughter is to froth and rage about Hillary Clinton does make you weird.

Good point, though, it's been mere months since the last time he said he wanted to bang his daughter, so let's try to keep it current.

It just came to you as the equivalent of lusting after your infant daughter? Do you even analogy, bro?

I've seen a couple of O.J. pictures, although those might be from the Don't You Dare Mischaracterize the Size of My Hands club.

Also, son, if the decade-old Bosnia thing is your A material, this is going to be a very long year for you.

As Noah touches on, he can't process that this isn't how normal people talk and think.

Wait, Hillary was joking about Nancy Reagan? That's about the only thing that would redeem that moment.

It's actually very, very common at least among the Christian right's opinion-shapers (I can't speak to the foot soldiers) to handwave scandals among their elect by comparing them to people like King David. I've heard a lot of similar apologias for Trump's libertinism.

I don't believe the sex scandal thing, but mostly because the skeletons in a guy like that's closet are inevitably way, way more horrifying than "has mistresses."

I've gone back and forth over the past few months on wondering whether this is turning out less fun than he thought it would be and he's trying to Springtime for Hitler himself.

It's been undercovered, but former candidates are still winning delegates. Like, Martin O'Malley got a few thousand votes in Wisconsin.

It's not a joke it occurs to anyone who's not deeply creepy to make.

This is inaccurate because the Irish never ran short of babies.

Meanwhile a 12-year-old who says they're gay couldn't possibly know for sure.