
And a really ineffectual guy with an inferiority complex who didn't survive his first episode.

You underestimate the number of people who will pay for something because they think it pisses off liberals.

I lean more toward him thinking it would be fun to run for president and, upon realizing how much work it was, tried and failed to Springtime for Hitler himself.

President-to-be-Trump also RT'd someone getting gleeful and excited about the fact that things like this always give him a polling boost. Fun times.

Why is it called that?

I too think of using municipal connections to speed the eminent domain process along when I think of "rebellion."

There are ways.

I lean toward Simone being alive but maybe that's just because of the Miller's Crossing homage.

"How's Molly?"

The sweetest Christmas of all.

Stop being so… what's the word.. nitpicky.

And knock on wood, the Netflix shows aren't doing that stupid "I wonder what MARVEL'S THOR [tm] would have to say about this. I'll call MARVEL'S IRON MAN [tm] and see what he thinks and also confirm that their respective movies are available now on DVD and streaming!" thing.

One of the best things about this format, both for this and Daredevil, is how it allows the story to breathe, and one of the best things about that is how economical it allows them to be with the main villains.Kilgrave would be an order of magnitude less effective from a narrative standpoint if this were a movie and

Thinking the story of Sisyphus is supposed to be inspirational is the most Ed thing imaginable.

Because he's both emotionally compromised from grief and pathologically incapable of getting out of his own way where Annalise is concerned.

Of course on the other end of the spectrum, you have the Bill O'Reillys of the world insisting that rap lyrics should form the basis of character judgments.

It doesn't matter how old or irrelevant the song is, all that matters is how often you were subjected to it when it was big.


I don't think I've commented on enough Hatesongs to know but is "Whatever, STFU I've never even HEARD of this loser" deployed with this level of frequency on all of them?

THE Eli Friedmann???