
They could star in Chuck Lorre's new series about a young woman and an older British man sharing an apartment and I'd watch it.
Brie: Hey, Cedric, do you think you could do the laundry once in a while?
McShane: I say, Katrina, do you suppose you could USE THE METRIC SYSTEM ONCE IN A WHILE?
[deafening laughtrack]

If Satan's at work, he and Kim Davis really ARE at cross-purposes.

Well, sure. And she definitely has a point about the bar needing to be higher than "a female character kicking ass," which if memory serves was also her response to people calling Mattie Ross from True Grit a feminist icon.

Of course they aren't. But the argument has nothing to do with warlords, it's that making your villain that cartoonish in his misogyny avoids a deeper examination of more benign, everyday sexism. Which, again, I don't necessarily believe this sort of movie has an obligation to address.

It's our generation's "JIMMY SMITS."

The point, though, is less that "no one IRL treats women as badly as Immortan Joe does," it's that people standing in the way of gender parity are often going to be way more subtle about it than a warlord with a stable of sex slaves. I don't necessarily agree that any movie about misogyny or feminism has a

Yes. It was a perfectly good term for overall high-quality works with nagging unfortunate implications but it's become such a catch-all that you'll hear it applied to blatant racism or sexism.

Oh yeah, they both definitely treat something that's not funny as a laughing matter, I just meant that I see the joke as less "LOL what man doesn't want sex?" and more "LOL what man doesn't want sex with a hot chick?"

Swift comparisons are to discussions of literary merit as Hitler comparisons are to political debate.

Neither am I but I am forever grateful for that review that described it as "a movie for adult men who eat chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs."

Ah yes, the social reality of people thinking Bill Maher had anything worthwhile to say. The horror continues to this day.

Yeah it really sucked how those women kept American Psycho from being published. I also can't believe they would think Ellis had a problem with women just because he wrote a character who did and also has a history of saying wildly sexist things.
The fact that your go-to example of PC Terrorism is old enough to drink

Oh no, it's always gone by other names. It literally just means "not racist/sexist," so that's what normal people call it, albeit not as an insult.

The comment it refers to is you saying that if it wasn't real, a TV show couldn't allude to it.

Vampires do exist. That's why Joss Whedon created a show called Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

My mistake, I assumed you meant this thread in particular and I got confused.
Was this a "conversation?" Is that what this was?

This is so much more pedantic than this trope deserves but I'm going to disagree, because there's a whole separate "man getting raped by an unattractive woman" comedy trope, where the intended reaction is "LOL poor guy!" Think of, say, the sheriff being dragged off by Tracy Ullman at the end of Men in Tights.

Can God make a rape joke so big that He can't lift it?

It's also not even helpful as a safety tip because "slut" is a way, way more subjective concept than "drunk" or "late."

"PC" is not a thing, son. It's a concept invented by College Republicans who got caught wearing blackface to Halloween parties.