
Ooh, good comeback.

I'm putting myself in your shoes by thinking it's somehow an intellectual achievement to defend the indefensible. It's boring and everything smells like Jonathan Franzen first editions.

Still better than Dr. Benway.

Very few people say things this stupid sometimes. That's why it's news when one does.

Those "girls" were actually FEMALES all along! The catcalls are coming from INSIDE THE MATRIARCHY.

tfw your dumb comment gets deleted for being rapey garbage so you paste it back in but are too dumb to format it properly

Don't you know denial works like demonic possession, or something?

You would be a much better person if you spent this much emotional energy on empathizing with Cosby's victims instead.

Nah, sorry. When you say a woman couldn't possibly have been raped because she's too much of an ugmo, your "defense mechanism" is potentially making millions of people think what happened to them must have been their fault, because they're not hot enough for it to have been rape. I think we already established in the

No but thinking any consensual sex necessarily costs money probably = virgin.

Yeah joking about his crap output nowadays is all well and good but his In Living Color output suggested a person a) way funnier than this and b) with way more of a social conscience than this.

Scary Movie: Fury Road.

This reminds me of when Mel Gibson got his DUI and all that followed and Rob Schneider vowed never to work with him. Admirable sentiment, somewhat idle gesture.

Guessing he's a teenager and as such convinced he's the most mature he, and indeed anyone, could ever possibly be.

Oswalt started losing it when he stopped being a comedian and became a Guy Who Talks About How PC is Killing Comedy Who Sometimes Tells a Joke.

Femside job, obvz. Jet fuel can't melt bra clasps.

And occupying zero mental energy among anybody but the people who hate them.

Oh, I was thinking "actual rapist radicalized by being held accountable."

Poe's Law is dancing a jig on my brain right now.