
Ah. Glad I checked.

I find it means "sensitive to things I don't care about." Sparks will fly if you tell someone who uses the term that you don't think Chris Kyle was a hero.

Well, people were saying the exact same thing when "Seinfeld" was at its peak, so I think he's safe.

Are you arguing that political correctness led Zimmerman's detractors to excuse Martin's use of the word "cracker?" Because I think it might have been the fact that Zimmerman killed him.

Alls I'm saying is the usual suspects re: "The Youngs today are a menace" are a billion times more fragile about the suggestion that the canon is too white or just not very good than any of the people they criticize.

The only way "political correctness" affects comedy today in any way is a) sometimes a comedian who works blue has people angry on the Internet who can't actually put that anger into practice or b) hacks whose act relies on racism or misogyny get to pretend they're funny but that meddling "PC" keeps anyone from

I can't for the life of me understand the counterhysteria over college students objecting to course materials. Is it really a sign of the apocalypse that people are asking for more input into the thing they spend tens of thousands of dollars on?

So many questions. When has Seinfeld's style ever relied on lack of "political correctness?" Is it possible that his problem is that his comedic style was so influential that to younger audiences who grew up in a landscape where tons of comedians were Seinfeld-influenced it just seems cliche? Why is he using his

I got The AV Club-d! I'm SOMEBODY, Mr. Thartoonian!

Eh, I think that's terrible writing too. All Meryn's done at this point is (probably) kill Syrio and beat Sansa. If they felt the need to make him a pedophile to make clear that he's a bad person they either seriously lack confidence in their own writing or just felt like adding pedophilia.

It doesn't make any difference, it was an excuse to snark on Weiss.
I can't tell if your last line is deliberate irony or not.

The scenes people are offended enough by that they feel the need to respond are very rarely criticized solely on the basis of content. It's usually a combination of a sense of gratuitousness (everything with Owen Harper in Craster's Keep last season, Sansa, not that I didn't think the arc the latter was based on was

No, this burn wasn't in the books.

I think the low point for me was Ramsay making fat jokes. Because how else will we know he's mean?

The Lannisters are a Twizzlers family.

It's a simile, not to be confused with a metaphor, like calling D.B. Weiss a "writer."

Arya has, against all odds, become the least interesting character and yet her scenes have become basically the only ones that aren't wall-to-wall (or Wall-to-Wall, as the case may be) cringing.

"Well, it's easier to swallow than that Bambi video."

Especially considering the killing is presented as for the greater good because civilian lives are imminently at stake.

This "YOU'RE the bad person for questioning our rationale" is wearing pretty thin. It's like your cousin ranting on Facebook about how you're the REAL racist for thinking it was racist that he called Obama a monkey, because it means you think black people look like monkeys.