From what little I know about Burning Man, the Range Rovers and Ram TRXs in these pictures I’ve been seeing seem very out of place.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure there are plenty of families that spend way more money to go to freaking Disneyland. Or on any vacation, really.
I couldn’t agree more and came here to post this. The article complains about “the rich” at least twice, and it’s a lame and unfounded judgment of attendees. Even if it is somehow true (which is isn’t) that everyone at the festival is “rich”, it’s just a divisive judgment that degrades from the credibility of Jalop’s…
Ok, quick hot take time. This thing doesn’t even begin to compare with a singer. It’s nearly as expensive. Pretty much a huge waste of money.
You are the Editor in Chief Expense Account
This is the single most terrifying thing that a post-WWII society has come up with.
These Trump supporters think Trump has some kind of “master plan” that is going to work out in the long term. He doesn’t. The steel plant jobs are not coming back. But the Trump Tariffs are going to prove crushing for thousands of other companies, and could result in millions of layoffs. The kicker is: even when the…
Afterward, I asked McMaster whether he still supported Trump given the tariffs and their potential impact on the BMW plant.
You’re just wrong. Bumpers are hideous and photos of them should only exist to remind us of the horrors of the past so we don’t repeat those mistakes. You have insurance. You don’t need bumpers.
The best one was probably the first and maybe the second. Man this seems so tame compared to the hijink of the first couple.
What’s with all the Corvette bashing here? It’s almost like you people don’t like cars or something. This thing looks great, even with the wacko camo. Looks like a Ferrari, you say? Yeah, well dolphins look like sharks, too...and they both look cool.
The people who constantly complain about poor people (who do not have much money in the bank) taking assistance from the government, be it in food or housing vouchers, are the same asswipes that see no problem with the government giving away tax breaks for companies or sports teams that have very large sums of money…
This is the correct take - living within your means is so uncool nowadays.
Lets think of all american consumers as children for a minute and you are a parent. If you give them the option to eat candy or fruits and veggies for every meal; 9 times out of 10 they will choose candy. Therefore if you remove candy from the equation or just reduce the amount available, they will be forced to eat…
Yeah, don’t get me wrong, he’s still crazy as fuck.
Kind of amazingly, this is in part because the EPA argues that lighter, more fuel-efficient cars are more dangerous.
It’s pretty much perfectly in-line with this administration’s theme of ensuring that the United States is culturally and scientifically regressing compared to every other developed country.