Heheh love the intro, Owen.
Safety nets? Those? You gotta be kidding me.
@That-Other-Guy-Over-There: Pine scented detergent works best.
@BleedingThumbsMurphy: Yeah, got it through PS+ as well. Really really fun game! Been having a blast with it.
@NexusSIX: Drake is BaaAAaaack!: hahaha!
@Dr_Fumbles: yep, I see it.
Phew! That's good news to me. Too many games to get this Holiday season.
@Michael Dukakis: Are there no puns on this post, or am I just blind?
Yeah baby!
Oh fish, it that real?!
With our powers combined, we are GAMERS!
First was Ubisoft's Patrice.
hahaah "Bobby Kotick..ovich"
Metal Gear?!