I wanna see "KB Official Licensed Product"s.
I wanna see "KB Official Licensed Product"s.
@Recoil: I second.. or third that.
#13 's awesome. Lmaod.
@That-Other-Guy-Over-There: If only I got a dollar, everytime someone says that...
What a retard.
@TheNobleRobot: Bingo.
@Whooped.D.Dew: The way they worded it.
Lmao'd the whole time. Man, that was good.
The fuck is "Blu-ray powered HD"?
Save Carmine guys, I wanna see him survive till the end for once.
Sandwiches, always reminds me of this.
I'm shocked and disgusted at this son of a bitch.
@CynicalNinja: I second that.
@c4pt_chunk: Updates are auto-downloaded. Whether you wanna install it, is up to you.
"We are ensuring that all employees who are affected by these changes are being treated with care."
I smell sarcasm. ;-)
Heh, notice how they/she calls him "Bobby" and not "Mr. Kotick" or whatever.
Got myself Age of Zombies and Fieldrunners via PS+, really good games.
+1 to EA.