
@GimmeCat: I kindda agree with you here. 2 got a little too complicated for me as well.

@TRT-X: Exactly what I always do. Perhaps you should try uninstalling the patch, and repatching it.

@TRT-X: O.o. I've been skipping it no prob. Even after the patch.

@KingHippo: Man, I laughed so hard at that!

So cuuute!

@Thorax: *dun dun dunnnn*

Why is it called, "Falling down" and not just "Falling" when the only general direction you'll fall, is down?

@sabres81: Yet to try out playing with others on Adhoc Party. I'll should try it out one of these days.

@madammina: Get the PSP with BBS, AND Peace Walker. Peace Walker will keep you entertained for a very long time. Trust me.

@Skyward Sonik: Most recently, MGS: Peace Walker. I remember telling my friend this: "If you had to choose one PSP game to have, for the lifetime of it, it should be Peace Walker".

@Mooncow27: Theres too much competition in the console market for any other console, be it by SEGA or by anyone else to penetrate and stay as a profitable business.

@DeadnBuried: Holy crap, APM. I'll be using APM to describe my games from now on.

It's one HUGE scripted marketing campaign. I can smell it from miles away.

No. 14 for the win.

Awesome article, Brendan ;)