@atrimus: So far, Red Dead Redemption, with Peace Walker coming up real close behind it.
No DLC? D:
Sounds like the Sony Mylo.
@mindsale: Nice! :D
@Deanb: Ah.. sweet
Thanks for reminding me why I joined, and have been lovin Kotaku ever since.
@sereal: Played it sometime ago.
@Fernando Jorge: The faster one.
@mindsale: Since you've got the non-BC one, get the Slim, It's quiet and sexay.
@Koztah: God damn that was hillarious! Lmao'd!
Is that Gene or Ocelot?
Super Mario Bros.
@getlefty: true.
I signed up.
Same here. I can't get myself to shoot cows. They're just "civilians" in my eyes.