
@Wizard: Having more email accounts makes one feel more "busy". :P

Saw this on Gizmodo.

@buddhathing: Woah, I didnt think kids would love these kindda games nowadays. .<

@cyruss: I mean, dont they serve the same purpose? I'd thought Torre was an update to PlayTV.

I bought The Secret of Monkey Island: SE a couple of days ago without knowing anything about that game; Except that it was an update of some old game. I dugg the hype and got it.

Wait a sec. Didnt they just release the PS Torre or whatever it's called, a couple of months ago?

@pmckai: What a coincidence. CSI:Miami's on TV right now.

Despite Malay being the official language for Singapore, we speak English as our main language here.

I saw it on the papers and I was just shocked.

I lost my phone today.

Cuteness overload!

Assassin's Creed 2.