@Rebochan: Thank you Wikipedia. I <3 u.
@Rebochan: Thank you Wikipedia. I <3 u.
Whats up with the Crab comments? Am I missing something? O.o
@affable.gentleman: Nice story!
Looks good, sounds pretty good. I'll be keepin an eye on this one.
I want more than just a game a month and music streaming if I'm to pay $70 a year. Although that itself is a deal, give me something kickass... something Kevin Butler related.
@Dan2593: Lmao'd. Genius!
@jsalari: Hahaha that was funny as hell!
"Voice of God: Hideo Kojima" - MGS4 End Credits
What's a PSPGo?
Just got Brutal Legend so I guess that'll keep me company for the weekend.
@Squirrelbot3000: Bingo.
Reminds me of this in MGS4.
A very good article.
@Curiously Flamboyant Sheep: Ok, my bad.
@gstatty: You're not alone. It's because of the smooth and shiny hair.
@walls99: Thanks for taking your time to hyperlink the same link, 4 times with just 4-6 words between each.
Despite being a console gamer;
Loved it.