
"Kevin Butler video"


Im not an MMO guy, but as compared to what I've seen on other games, this new "pricing scheme" is pretty good. It's pretty cheap!

Just caught Iron Man 2. But everyone knows how awesome it is/is going to be, right?

Crazy shit.

You're shitting me, right?

Wow, I'd get it if it were on PSN as well.

Yes! My tip made it on Kotaku!

God damn Activision, seemd like a few months ago that MW2 got announced. The gap between COD titles are getting shorter by the year.

@超外人: Those games didnt have "Call of Duty" on them.

Still have two boxes of those. One's mint and the other's opened. After reading this article, think I'd probably should tape them up and store them somewhere safe to show my kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, etc; one thing that helped me (and the rest of the world) get stuff done throughout the 90's.

Aww man!


@MCX405: I'm from the 90's as well.

I'm not gonna watch it after looking at that screenshot.