I’d be fine if America ceased to exist for its period of African genocide. This country is NOT the center of the fucking universe.
I’d be fine if America ceased to exist for its period of African genocide. This country is NOT the center of the fucking universe.
Bis surprise, predominant white Christian school doesn’t have honest take on slavery. Remember the Bible itself doesn’t condemn slavery and even has rules for how slaves should be treated (or mistreated).
Congrats bro on being stupid and complicit. Way to make our country great. Really liked the part where you’re like “lol who even thinks Netherlands matter” really shows your maturity and intelligence on the topic of world affairs.
It’s all about the Bible and God.How it’s impossible to have a healthy relationship with someone so controlling and also how people abuse God’s creation (which He allows).
Reminds me of the abstinence-only things I went to with my church’s youth group:
I am interested in bending you over and shoving something up your ass. Aren’t you glad I shared this with you?
lol you thought he used big words; that’s more revealing about the size of your vocab, bro
hahaha you can’t read well, can you? The person said that the commenter they were responding to shouldn’t have called them “slut” but that there was a better word better suited (hence them admitting that they themselves are gay). It wasn’t hard to understand.
Yeah, good call AV Club, let this guy talk... didn’t he violently swear at one of your journalists like a year ago? Oh, you have no integrity anymore, right.
March For Life - is the main event you’re thinking of. Went with my church back in 2001. From Western PA so the trip was just a day trip, there was a group of 9 in a church van. We went to raise national conscience about killing unborn babies. We stopped at the Smithsonean for a few hours. We marched for about 3 hours…
Yeah, Cletus from Alabama is all about supporting the patriarchy and pushing the pro-male agenda!
Your English is really improving, comrade.
So... academics and people in internet communities? Cuz that doesn’t really sound like “people in the real world communicate this way on a day to day basis”.
Way to keep at school and good luck!
IDK, but them just saying those lines in their casual normal Brit voices/accents (they play a lot of exaggerated characters on the show) just slays me every time.
Yeah , but like, didn’t we learn from South Park that feelings are gay? And, um, like don’t we wanna be cool uncaring adults, man?*
Don’t think anyone will see this but wanted to say people need to do more research into how review sites work . Anyone can click that movie response thing on Rt and for a movie as big as as YOU you better believe that’s happening.
Jesus instead of already assuming you’re gonna offend people just try to not take it personally if someone corrects your pronoun usage.
Yeah this is the shit I blame South Park for. LOL you wanna be a dolphin next LOL SOOO funny how you identify!
You’re not Hitler but if you think morality is some net sum game and BOY HOWDY you did how many nice things for the gays like 7-12 things ?!?! wow I am SO IMPRESSED YOU WERE TOLERANT for some people different than you. TOTALLY earns you a pass to be shitty to people whose gender identity isn’t simple enough for you.