
If someone needs to suck your dick for you to consider their POV, then maybe you should go fuck yourself.

Yeah and it’s totes cool to wear black face if you had interracial parents adopt you!

Wow, good job comments- really generous takes here.

It’s great not giving a shit about people you struggle to relate to but aren’t doing anything wrong! Empathy is sooooo hard amiright bro!?

“the nameless, staring refugees”... all I want for Xmas is an editing job for a pop cultural website that desperately needs one. Seriously, every article with more than 200 words has at least one typo. WTF, I expect this from bloggers not pros.

“bigots are bigots and cowards” evil and stupid can be exclusive qualities at times...

it’s wonderful how a religion keeps essentially half of a useless book around to occsaionally cling to mythos they like (David v Goliath, the Flood, Sodom and Gomohorrah ) but any time something is confusing/non compatible “nope, OT was fulfilled by the NT”

NO, there NEEDS to be at least harsh Age Restrictions put on those who serve the Federal courts. Either retire at 65 or given a 25 year term whatever happens first.

I was just about to say the description reminder somewhat of Donato’s until the “covered with cheese” part, D’s only had a moderate amount I found.

I made some pretty tasty loaded nachos with pan seared shrimp the other week. Individually, I am pretty sure I got most food groups covered in the meal, combined it was a cheesy gluttony delight.

Yeah and UNLV basketball is just as good as 2 decades ago, lol stfu.

Correct! The reasons are dumber, less cost-effective, and much worse!

I doubt it? He highly speaks to making ethical decisions based on logic and context saying stuff like impoverished people don’t have enough funds for stuff like organic foods and it’s more ethical for them to worry about heating bills than slightly healthier foods.

Wow, the fact you call that scene with Mark Strong “dumb”... makes me want to see Logan Lucky less. K2 GC is dumb but dumb in the way a live action Venture Bros movie would be, hence I quite liked it.

McaVoy or Stewart? Man these timelines are hard to keep straight...

“ if it didn’t trade on dystopian vision” please hire an editor...

Lucifer is DC, worst case it goes to the CW and occasionally gets sucked into an alt earth with speedsters and talking apes once per season.

lol you should prob be celibate . the whole women as people thing seems to be too much of a big concept for your tiny dick/brain to comprehend.

Yes yes, the thought police are coming for your boners over teenagers. Go cry about it or better just fuck off.

haha ok, we get it you REALLY want to be able to compliment the PHYSICAL ATTRACTIVENESS of any person of the female persuasion at any age.