
I don’t give a shit what “he believes” how a person acts fucking matters.

Ironically you will get the opposite of “all star(s)“

“No one is drinking it for the taste.” You are the dumbest type of person. The type that can’t understand other people’s preferences and projects your own limitations on others.

Yeah, it’s really easy being stupid, Maybe, just maybe the human race would be a tad better if humans tried to flex the organ in their skulls a bit more and the ones in their pants a bit less.

“Was it done with malice?”

So it’s “national” like White Castle?

You really seem eager to blame the Jews.... just saying.

No, but Volante will argue you voted for it by voting for Hillary.

Are you Alec Baldwin? I like your work but I don’t think I have any interest in meeting as a person. Either way, reevaluate (one word, dingus) your soul.

His Mulan review should have sank him. Seriously that should have been what the “pussy tapes” should have been. He goes on a sexist rant against a kids movie and ends the rant with “women in the military not a good idea” he’s a cowardly Christian who wouldn’t know true righteousness if it smacked him upside the head.

Hey read more about nitrates before you keep being dumb about science. Your scaremongering mixed with moral superiority is asinine. Thanks

Maybe the main character and plot can actually feel original this time?

Nobody expects anything approaching humanism from that shitty show that managed to lose its spark of life after 4 seasons at least Simpsons maintained simulacrum status until season 13.

bu-bu-but black comedians get to use THOSE words!!!

Yes, yes, nothing more soul sucking than basic human empathy.

While nowhere as bad, PA has been pretty weird for its blue laws.

And what racially based stereotypes did they put into the character of Hibbert? None? Then not sure what you’re trying to say, other than “whatabouttism” which is the refuge of internet refuse usually.

You give victims of sexual harassment a bad name and you should feel bad for adding poor representation.

A sad hug and a high five!

Wow, any time someone is willing to go against a family member I have a lil more hope for the human race.