What the fuck is your point? That because a woman did a few shady things (this isn’t even related to the message of sexual assault) that we shouldn’t be pushing for more women representation in elected office?
What the fuck is your point? That because a woman did a few shady things (this isn’t even related to the message of sexual assault) that we shouldn’t be pushing for more women representation in elected office?
“Personally, I’d rather focus on uniting everyone than dividing them, but I realise that approach is considered rather old-fashioned these days among both sides of the political spectrum.”
I would like cops if their male fantasies began and ended with being Captain America. He cares about justice, will put his life on the line, cares about all citizens equally and cares about doing a by the book good job.
How about if there were more women in positions of power men, oh idk, actually feel like their actions might be held accountable? Maybe shift the power dynamics a bit?
the only ounce of respect I have for your comments is your ability to gag on the cock of Putin while typing them.
If you can’t see a hot chick without wanting to molest her you need professional help.
Also most mj users that used crack and were black at the time ,were found to be 100% black and guilty later.
Trailer looked great and I still have pretty high hopes. Not sure why but this site always seemed to have it out for this movie, in previews and stuff they seemed to be extra eager to take it down a peg.
Then you’re a shitty shitty shitty person. I have had friends tell me that experienced ghosts and I didn’t say it was probably bullshit because i respect their interpretation of events and don’t have to “win” in front of my friends.
He clearly isn’t mentally fit. His father’s had severe Alzheimer’s at the end and there are signs of that here. He also clearly might not be able to recognize the truth.
concern troll concern trolls.
Wow, they didn’t have cars 150 years ago, how about you fuckers try walking everywhere or using horses, dumbasses.
This person is a mouth breather knuckle dragger who believes in the superiority of the free market, doesn’t give a shit about “welfare” queens and believes nothing bad will happen to them because they’re ignorant on several levels.
we get it, you love the taste of capitalism’s dick in your mouth.
Parents like you teach kids to “be polite” which boils down to girls not dressing like sluts and boys learning to keep “locker room” talk in the locker room.
It’s not up to you to police what women wear dipshit.
Is 40 when you became comfortable perving on young women and judging when one was showing or not showing sufficient flesh for your liking?
I mean... Mayim doesn’t believe in modern medical science either and usually those people are great at the whole critical thinking thing.
Wow, just heartbreaking to hear how dumb and out of touch some people really are.