
"Hey Dan, my wife and I aren't in a bad place but I can't help myself. You see, I work in the tv industry and well, I don't like to brag, but am a relatively big deal. People often praise me and some of those people are beautiful women. I just can't help myself. I don't think my wife would be cool with me cheating on

And I agree with 80% of what you posted and beyond analyzing some of his character choices (Joss has stated that Xander is ALWAYS suppose to be sympathetic, which barf) it seems that his choice to continue screwing around behind his wife's back and lying to her so he could keep female friends reads as pretty

Of course he didn't and if the woman got pregnant , well, he can't marry of woman of such loose virtue. Goddamn are humans cowardly pieces of shit.

Well fan is just a shortened word for fanatic so….

Well he'd be okay with a woman rebutting his point, but only if a man wrote her dialogue- it's the Joss Whedon Aaron Sorkin conundrum !

He cheated with multiple women working for him. That's the difference, he's not just some dude who made a mistake with his wife's best friend.

Huh, so you think getting piercings is the same thing as becoming pregnant (something that not all women magically notice right away either). Weird.

"I love women and hope for equality towards them but I'm going to keep using them like objects including my wife who is a good shield to keep around because it totes makes me look better than being a single guy macking and his underlings" That's how. Got it? Good.

I've lost touch with the people here. These are the fuckers that defend Bill Maher… I just can't…

" The whole thing just seems like such a private affair that I don't feel comfortable assessing motives " bullshit you took the man's side from the get got and hid behind a shaky philosophical wall to do so. Maybe reflect on that?

Yeah, I mean… firing her still alters the fucking story, do these asshats chanting "fire the preggers chick" not get that?

Huh, a man being cool with a woman getting fired because "chick made her choice" lol what a clever and nice guy you must be.

It's not just cheating , jesus, some people are bad at complex thoughts.

Don't you know ? Men can't help themselves, they only think with their dicks, which is perfectly fine, except when women complain about it, then they're bitches.

I just think guys should BE feminists and not SAY they are feminists. Now, if for whatever reasons another person inquires about your thoughts, then by all means share you thoughts; but I find any guy that goes out of his way to tout he's a feminist to be either incredibly blockheaded or insincere.


Well, I wouldn't accept awards from a white supremacist group unless I felt like I belonged there and was in line with their philosophy….

Plus, the idiots here are just parroting that back
"bitch should lose custody, she isn't thinking of the kids" like the MRA fuckers they're revealing themselves to be.

O my god. You sound like a rape apologist, oh sorry, a molesting apologist because not every dial goes 11…

No, no no, as we learned with gamergate, if someone tries to take the joy out of a nerdy pasttime they are a fucking bitch.