
He wants her to shut up, because think of the kids… god what a fucking lowblow that is.

The sad story is these fucks can't get their Ds wet whenever they want and don't understand that even though they are the nicest and funniest guys you've ever met why women just won't sleep with them . waaaa, waaaa- all I hear is the manbaby crying.*

Yeah… I think Whedon was hoping the fucking script he was working on was gonna get read, lol, just a guess.

Yeah, that Xander is such a nice guy…why can't he catch a break (you realize this sentiment is Whedon's take on the character, a nice guy that can't catch a break? I mean, for fuck's sake that's a pretty banal look at a skeevy character).

I get what you're saying typical problems with gender representation by Whedon:


You give scum a bad name. At least scum is good for the ecosystem in which it resides. Your existence? Well, from your hateful posts, I'm not seeing much positivity.

Except for all those times in Salem…or those few hundred years in the middle ages… or um…I think some of the Roman dudes listened to their wives?

csb. You sound like a nice guy. blocked.

what the fuck does that mean? You think a dude's BEST MOMENT EVA is 20ccs of jizz and a female sighing? LOL different, er, um strokes, I guess

Has the asshole showed up yet here voicing his concern that he wishes his fellow Americans could get over their "problem with infidelity" ?
He was easily the most ethically bankrupt of yesterday's commenters.

Really? Jon Snow is just Harry Potter in Westeros with a parentage that gets muddled for"duh mysteriez"

OMG, just saw a 20 something friend of a friend post a pic meme about Soros being a nazi….like literally , conspiracy BS pisses me off so much these days. I've unfriended a few people this year, that I wouldn't have in past years, because they just wouldn't shut up about chemicals in vaccines….

Yeah, but you don't get it, man! See, she did take millions from corporations so that means she's a sell out. *takes time to study up on Donald Trump* But holy shit this sellout is millions times better an option because it's a viable option. Know what isn't a viable option? Hiring an insane manchild who lies

Cool, you hate brown people, we get it. I hope you get caught at a rally and fired; but fuckwads like you lack convictions to even show up for hate marches. As long as you can troll online and wank off to your intellectual masturbation, you can feel smug in your fear of those that practice a religion that happens to

Sorry I thought the phrase " as a white man, I just can't comprehend that another white man would be so casually cruel to a stranger." was suppose to be read as hard sarcasm..

Rip, fam.

We get it, you're scared of people with headwear that doesn't include red baseball caps. Now fuck off.

Hmm sorry, I am not trying to be mean, but now we need primary sources of this racism; as a white man, I just can't comprehend that another white man would be so casually cruel to a stranger.

Oh Tina, you are not a bad person but rather clueless. You're the corporate democrat who thinks bailouts were fine (but , gosh, The Big Short, sure was funny!). Now you want people to ignore crazy people with genocidal slogans because showing up might not make for a nice experience.