
Yeah, it's not that different than how Brienne felt for Renly…

Nah, I've seen worse side by side images of Taylor Swift all photoshopped up next to a pic of a haggard and tired looking Michelle with the caption "how can I be racist if there's clearly a different species involved"

If you think everyone deserves a statue, you're a fucking moron. If you can't tell the difference between empathy for human rights and giving a shit about whether or not slave owners get their due respect via statues, you're a fucking moron.



The thing is…. my parents were born in 1955, when I asked them about the 60s- they coudln't give me any highlights or interesting stories. Their parents and location kept them away from that "culture".

On the other hand, he's more likely to start or engage in military actions based on his skewed religious convictions.

read that in Lynch/Cole's voice! haha

Yeah, idk something about the stances:

Pence is worse because he actually clings to and believes in shitty convictions:

I think I heard tiki torches were used because legally lighting torches with real rags would be "too close to visually inciting violence" .

Don't forget about the chick who started planned parenthood being into eugenics!

Bush even had a few good moments, legit presidential stuff…. not often, not enough to make up for the blunders, lies and other bullshit but this fucker…. he's so dumb and two dimensional it's hard to fucking stand.

Saying capitalism should be destroyed isn't hate speech lol but sure, those ideas are scary to some.

Promoting a genocidal philosophy along with torches and chants isn't incitement?

Because republicans are moral guardians and their ways are higher than your ways. Bill was making a mockery of a GAWD BASED INSTITUTION- marriage. Trump is merely defending 1st amendment and sorry we just don't impeach people because they aren't politically correct.

Parents on FB are the worst. I mean, so many people proud of their lack of "liberal college" educations and who feel like they have "waaaay more experience and incite (sic)" than us youngings.

K, when Trump orders everyone to start helping round up any undocumented immigrants or face punishment , you have fun with that. I'll stick to my morality which tells me not to steal, kill, rape, take more than I need and try to treat others as I want to treat myself.

You're right, my principles are bigger than the words written by a bunch of slave owners (not exclusive) and anyone with a shred of morality will realize a country that wiped out most of its indigienous people, legally protected slavery for about its first 100 years and while fighting in WW2 still dropped the ball on

Thank you for clarifying this is a meta-moral issue beyond what the law says. So many cowards will always try to hide behind the law when it suits and skirt around it when they can. The law is a very useful tool, but it does not equate morality and nazis are a fucking existential threat that we should always be