
He was one of the first people I blocked in my purge back in November! I have blocked over 100 people since then…it's insane but so are these fuckers

Words have standard definitions. I guess you don't understand that. This isn't about outrage culture, it's legit about thinking before speaking. I am sorry you cannot fathom that.

k, whatevers blocked , troll lol

Elekta prob has a weird shawl thing at some point I'd guess…

LOL you don't get to decide how everyone reacts to your terms Butthurt, if posited as good thing wouldn't be offensive to gay men or men and women enjoy enjoy anal. Butthurt is a bad thing, you just used it as a negative lol hopefully you can understand that.

You must be really bad at understanding things…keep working on it and maybe confusion will stop.

Well, for those of enough intelligent enough to enter discourse while refraining from terms like "butt-hurt" (it's a homophobic and juvenile term, bro) we found the plotting, acting and characterization to be pretty thin and hard to get invested into that show/season.

Justice League Action IS pretty crappy!

It's really sad how few young people vote … Granted I went early in 2016 during the day, but my line and building , easily was youngest person there and I just turned 30….*

Super Jail at least has a crazy specific setting, memorable characters like the Warden and a trippy color pallet that is really weird with the uber violence of the show.

See, that's the thing: I've seen hundreds of smart jokes between episodes of things like ATHF and Squidbilles, but everything seems so dumb and crude and lazy about Mr Pickles.

Don't engage with the troll. "Edgy" comments, too dumb to live, hidden comments history. troll, blocked moving on.

I'd say she really started developing more with season 1 ep Something Ricked This Way Comes. Even if she gets conned, she learns a lesson and grows (grows to start appreciating Rick more too).

When his persona went after Bush at the correspondent's dinner literally mocking all of Bush's "greatest achievements at the time"

I hope he's getting good dental! The sets look fantastic and it can't be easy to chew through that realistic scenery.

He is watching a scene of white walkers and is screaming then is seeing the Mad King who is screaming (while maybe also seeing the white walkers through bran's presence/vision) which leads the Mad King to yell "Burn them all!"

Don't you call this a regular sham
I'm gonna fuck this land
Make America great again
Fuck the losers, I always win!

Yeah, but unless the kids leave the cycle continues…

Time is a wheel of Ka

Do you remember which scene? Because there were many moments where the main characters would be talking to somebody and that person would more or less say something either morally bankrupt or illegal or both.