
If wasn't suppose to be 92, I'd say without a doubt Semicharmed-Life

GT needs to make more horror superhero movies- a Son of Satan or GhostRider by him and… wow… Marvel needs some of his dark magic.

I'm pretty sure at this point the High Evolutionary isn't named a title but…just a really stoned scientist making really weird decisions with some uber tech and too much pot and free time.

Yeah, but there's also a big bit of about baby swapping and knapping that you left out lol..long story short -they might not really be his kids anyways.

Oooh, and the last line about "buy the rights" could happen as he zips by a comic stand with… some funny sight gags…

Macarana … it's the ultimate "this movie is of a very specific time" song

Well tech they can adjust Magneto to just be in a concentration camp, Auschwitz ran until the end of the war so if he was born in 1940, he could be 5 year old boy tormented at camp and only in early 40s when ROTJ is released

Kid playing Nightcrawler seemed to be having a lot of fun.

Alpha Flight Fans: there are DOZENS of us!

Hmm with your pro-cat stance, I'm beginning to wonder if you truly are an extraterrestrial Jesus or perhaps something more nefarious…say…an Egyptian god maybe?

So no coverage of Karoondinha getting canceled? The first MAJOR music fest in central Pennsylvania in …forever?

Never saw that before….wow that's great.

I know, there are a lot of stupid people in America who hear the first thing that they agree with and then stop thinking about a matter.

Yeah, but how do you feel about the half of the country that's so warped that they like their abuser?

Throw in a few BLM organizers and watch the conversation on gun control take an interesting new turn!

Homophobic/effeminate males are the worst threats to this country and they deserve to be mocked!*

Well, I just meant that about 5% of the USA believes Sandy Hook was staged (for various crazy reasons- but ultimately as you said as a false flag to clamp down on gun rights)…. which is way too high of a percentage and THAT breaks my heart/brain.

I mean…. she probably wouldn't support the death of millions to further her profits?

The fact that a significant portion of this country believes that (and I would say 5% is significant) is fucking heart and brain-breaking.

Reminds me of a bunch of former friends from Western PA unsure why sharing Milo videos gets them called racists or homophobes.