
The conspiracy theory BS here is off the charts. The craziest part is there are around a few thousand if not more Americans that really believe that stuff about certain terrorist cells of leftists looking to their ex-president to support their resistance? Like wtf is the ex-prez bs? Fucking morons and they have all

They're all fucking worthless. Reminds me of a video a few weeks back of a senator grilling Devos over whether or not private charter schools would be freer to discriminate against queer and/or transgendered students basically she said she would follow the law and when told the law was unclear about these instances

Nah, the reasons are sorta complicated but here are a few "Cyclops"s:

So was Karnak ever designed as Asian in the comics?

Hey every team needs their Cyclops!

I assume at this point, even a zombie Lincoln would have more improved speech patterns and empathy.

O'Neal actually struggle with it, or just something you don't like?*

That's what people don't get about these fuckers, they are too rich and powerful to be held accountable.

Well, I wouldn't say Trump has a plan to change that- plans take forethought and true effort and organization , but… I think he has a way!

Just out of curiosity are you from France that has been hit with several terrorist attacks, England that supported Brexit, or Germany that still hasn't legalized gay marriage?

You don't get it. To his most fervent voters, the mere fact that he does things that liberals don't like is making them smile.

Eh, the Avclub is full of a lot of middle of the road edgelords and super-duper extra hard liberals that both flock to things that baffle me- Bill Maher and hate stuff that also baffles me- like Warren.

Eh, she's a more human designed model than Clin-ton. I'm fine with her tbh


They're still poor and angry and live in towns that offer wonders life Mcdonalds, Walmart, Redbox and not much else.

Heh reminds me of Bart Simpson wanting to visit Mad Magazine headquarters in New York

Why? That character at least cares about doing the right thing. There is barely any moral center to snyder's superman

The World Health Organization came out and publicly declared Monsanto morally bankrupt? Oh wait , they didn't?

on opposite day

Hey AVClub? Want to throw some real shade? Bring back Inventory and do a " Real list of 15 underrated genre movies of the past 15 years"