
Journalists are people? FAKE NEWS!

I really want a reposted daily mali comments gimmick…


Dude, he was British Superman ( a real thing that happened once!) and had to keep his cover! LOL you pathetic human, you just mocked Superman. You think he doesn't know? Boy, he's coming for you and one day he shall rip out every one of your bones then fly around the world, go back in time and do it all again.*

It's not quite the same thing; but it's a similar disheartening feel I have when conservatives and liberals express distrust for modern science. I'm like… do you people want dark ages; because this is how we get dark ages.

Are you trying to wake Manimal? Because that's how you wake Manimal. lol

Okay, so I'll assume you're not a "true fan"* because of your assessment.

Things stick better in the mud, the higher and loftier you go up the more things dissipate….

Right now in a comments section, the only time i hope i'm foolish to visit BB there about a few dozen people are absolutely fine for calling for a final solution to Muslims… oh and someone in this section referred to mods at fucking BB of all place the "thought polis" (good to know stupidity extends to other side of

Nononononononono YOU DONT GET IT!!!!!!

Bush was honestly more comparable to Yogi Berra with his malapropisms and if he wasn't connected to so much political baggage; it'd be pretty endearing.

The asshole mafia that runs the country sure is in favor of that. A lot of dudes are probably so fucking disenfranchised that they would be ok with a shitty law that benefits them in a fucked up way. Corruption can sometimes come from within, but often it was bred from without.

Here's your tradition, humanity has only ever survived by putting enough of it's bullshit aside to adapt to some degree either geographically or culturally. Everything else is just a nice "history written by the winners with your preferred religious bow tied on top" Fuckers need to fix their hearts or die is what I'm

A recent "popular" fake story involves a trump White House cleaning staff person finding drugs that Obama left behind

No weirder than discussing who would win between Spiderman and Wolverine * , just taking certain factors into play in their debate about a fictional plotted event.

*Whispers*: it's almost as if the subtleties matter it what the person is doing with their power….*

That's what I keep reminding myself when I think "was I this concerned with all the dumb shit Bush did?" No, because despite a lot of it was overarching shit, I wasn't constantly bombarded by…. the worst human ever to run a country with this much power since Hitler (the distinction is while there have been despots

Really the coloring book thing just shows a lot of these assholes grew up as bullies, turned 18 looked in the mirror and decided they were perfect.

lol this loser is worried about how popular a female commenter is here… like I can hear the neckbeard growing from the other side of the computer.

Can't get laid
Can't get a job
Can't open up to others and be comfortable with a non-private comments history..