…I liked PCU so many fresh faces and maybe the only good thing Zack Penn ever wrote*
…I liked PCU so many fresh faces and maybe the only good thing Zack Penn ever wrote*
Riker always did seem like "the nice guy" on that ship.
And bullying people for not liking something they respect, is a mindset of the right.
"You can't reason with these people, they have no reason. They're so unhappy with their own lives "
And that's not even all the details, lol just the frame the story took when conservatives started bitching.
Judging by comments history, this person this EW is leftist so… yeah reality is no friend of Eric here.
Liberty still bans R rated movies and has a strict dating code for outwards intimacy and staying over in opposite sex dorms.
White guy problems:
"We all have the right to be assholes to each other, within the limits of the law."
Simple response, you have a right to be an asshole. Just don't expect to have many friends (that aren't also assholes) and maybe try to understand why you have problems functioning with others at your place of work. You won't be killed or thrown in jail, but maybe your existence will become lonelier since less people…
Ah, but you underestimate how lazy some people are..so very fucking lazy.
Weirder? A douche trying to tell people here about the "real racists" ended a snarky comment by posting someone a link to getting someone out of a cult.. like wtf lol
In the classic sitcom My 3 Sons there's a scene where the father is talking with the boy's unlce and the uncle is ranting about how kids are the worst these days (a show from the early 60s mind you)
Yeah, if they were all around 18 at the time, I doubt any of them had the maturity to realize how to calmly react to HOLY SHIT THIS CHICK NEVER HEARD OF WW2 WTF? WTF?!?!?*
You should learn not to spread more division in our country.
Plastic Man would be great in a Brave n the Bold style game with like claymation cgi models.
No, no this was a simpler time when jingoism and racism were…er nm…
*Marvel editor reads comment and accepts challenge, begins writing Blazing Skull film in first of 5 part series for team up Invaders Movie
Have you seen the animated version of All-Star Superman?
"Bruce lacks the luxury to remove himself from the human crisis to reflect theoretically."