
Get woke go broke. I’ve fought for equal opportunity all my life but pandering to Regressive Leftist/SJW garbage with cyborg women running around in situations they most certainly did not... turns a lot people off. This should have been clear alternate history/world setting and not WW2. Russia made heavy use of women

What is this dark sorcery of which you speak? It sounds perilously similar to the follies and hubris of certain figures in myth and legend.

Surely you have heard the tragedy of Lords Alpha and Beta, and their foolhardy quest to test all the things of the world? One even casually familiar with the fable must certainly

When you have to inform people about the “racist” origins of certain phrases, then they are likely no longer offensive or racist in meaning. So there’s really no reason to police them in the first place, unless you’re just looking for attention.

He didn’t discover it, but that’s certainly when most folks learned about it - the video went viral (hence my ‘general public consciousness’ wording) The first discovery, which is credited in the video, comes from Average Josh.