True atonaljosh, I can agree with that. I just hope we see consequences sooner than later since no one outside of Qyburn and her mindless robot enforcer would genuinely accept her rule.
True atonaljosh, I can agree with that. I just hope we see consequences sooner than later since no one outside of Qyburn and her mindless robot enforcer would genuinely accept her rule.
When an "accident" benefits an unpopular individual to the point where all her opposition is eliminated and she is crowned ruler, people will tend to suspect it was no accident.
I guess if the population mostly consists of half-starved sheep then yeah, they won't care who their ruler is. But I still don't buy that a social pariah who mass-murders the people's religious hierarchy and blows up their most sacred building would inherit a bunch of obedient subjects, let alone rule for very long.
Does it matter? Public opinion isn't a court of law. All that matters is that they strongly *suspect* that she did it. On top of that, there is zero reason to suspect anyone else.
Totally agree, I find that wildly implausible. Crowning her Queen when she blew up the biggest church on the continent and mass-murdered all of the religious leaders (as well as many others) just isn't going to go over well with the general populace. On top of that Cersei was already a widely reviled figure with very…